Hello to all of you again! I don't know if you are a "crafty" person or not, but March is National Craft Month. I have to be honest with you... my basement is a virtual shrine when it comes to crafting. Scrapbooking? Yep. Stamping? Of course. Soapmaking? Uh-huh. Candlemaking? Do you need to ask? You get the idea....
My habits started at a very young age (amazing what happens when there are only 3 TV stations and a "handheld game" either didn't require batteries or had a very limited functionality). I learned how to needlepoint and crochet when I was 6 or 7 years old. By the time I was 8, I had a real sewing machine (which I used through high school). I remember that one year, I'd gotten a weaving loom. All of the family members got color-coordinated potholders that year. I have no idea how much my mom spent on yarn for that project, but I'm grateful for it. I've always been a visual learner and have liked working with my hands. I could fill pages of this blog with all of the different crafts I've attempted or enjoyed at some point in my life. Each craft taught me something new. I still try to incorporate some sort of hand made gift for my family during the holidays. Whether it is a beaded serving spoon or a jar of sugar scrub, I enjoy giving something that I've taken the time to make.
Making something with your own two hands could rapidly become a lost art in our virtual and digital world. When is the last time you made something with your child? What was it? What have you always wanted to learn to do but haven't taken the time?
If you think you'd like to give soapmaking or even making your own body care items a try, take a look at http://www.soapcrafters.com/. I've visited with the president of the company. She's dedicated to customer service and has put together some very affordable kits that give you everything you need to give a new craft a try. I've ordered from them myself and think they do a great job. By the way, I'm not being compensated for this post -- I just think it's the right thing to pass good information along.
Who knows? Maybe you will find something new that could help create some extra income for your family. Or maybe you will just have a good time. That would be ok, too.
Let me know what you like to do with your kids... new ideas are always appreciated!
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