Any way you can save a few extra dollars is great if you ask me. It's not my intent to become another site that consistently offers this information. In my opinion, there are sites that do this much better than I could, like the Penny Pinchin' Mom. Time and again, she is an excellent resource for printable coupons, coupon match-ups with weekly sales ads, and other deals. No point in reinventing the wheel. If you're on Facebook, be sure to "like" her to get in on the deals. If not, you can subscribe to her feed. If you're serious about saving money, this is a resource you can't do without.
Savvy shopping happens when you prepare. If you like to have date nights with someone special, or would like a discount on boutique products and services, subscribing to a service like Groupon, Spreesy, or other services like that can offer a significant savings. I've seen deals ranging from gourmet dog treats to teeth whitening and laser hair removal. You can also find some good restaurant deals, too. Like any other shopping venture, don't buy it unless you intend to use it. By the way, you can also purchase these deals and send them as gifts if you choose.
Each site has its own terms and conditions; some deals may have additional restrictions. Read the fine print before you buy, but enjoy the savings, too!
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