It has been a busy week! The kiddos are in VBS in the morning, and I decided to volunteer this year. I'll be honest -- I was looking forward to a little down time while both kids got to participate this year. Then the Childrens' Ministry pastor asked if I would help out. I said "yes" because it was the right thing to do. I've had some experiences the last few years that have taught me that sometimes I need to lay my own plans aside -- that there is something I get to learn/experience/discover by changing my course. I'm glad that I said yes. I've met some wonderful people the past couple of days and have truly enjoyed seeing close to 300 little ones have fun. I never saw myself as having a personality that could be patient enough to help with something like this. I'm grateful someone (unknowingly) asked me to get out of my comfort zone.
I'm pretty tired, though. A good tired, but tired nonetheless. I'm looking forward to tomorrow afternoon because there is nothing on the schedule. Nothing that is structured, but plenty to do! Laundry baskets are overflowing, and a sprinkler mishap means that I have a couple of extra loads calling my name.
You're probably wondering what this has to do with an "unplugged" summer. Me too. I know that I'm thoroughly enjoying the time that I get to be with my kids. I've been reminded this week how precious it is that I get to work from home and spend more time with my kids because of that. My flexible schedule lets me volunteer (even my oldest thinks it's cool that I'm helping out -- and that she knows the snacks in advance). All too soon, both of my girls will be old enough to help with VBS rather than attend. Time seems to be moving exponentially faster. Before I know it, my girls will have families of their own.
As I've been writing, I'm also overwhelmed with a feeling of gratitude. Grateful that I have two healthy children who can participate in VBS and who seem to have endless energy. Grateful for their inquisitive minds that ask questions that stretch my brain. Grateful for their desire and ability to read, run, play. I know of too many families whose children are in life-threatening battles right now. Mommies who would give anything to deal with my issues instead of wondering if their children will see another birthday. Or change of season.
Perhaps the lesson (or reminder) for today is to never take for granted the time that I have with my children. That time is short and ever so precious...
Hey Barb! I appreciate your words, and your faithfulness to help out! We have a lot to be thankful for!